Monday, April 18, 2011

Purple Fields

I went home to Alabama around the second week in the month, and on the way down I was mesmerized by the beautiful purple fields. I wanted to try and capture the beauty. :) Even though I rushed I was able to get a few pictures taken.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thunder Over Louisville

Thunder Over Louisville apparently is a big deal. I wasn't planning on going, because it had rained all day and was supposed to continue that way for the rest of the evening. However, some friends of ours were going, and they decided to take us along. We parked far away and walked and walked and we made it right before it started. I tried to get some shots...I called my dad to get some pointers on taking pictures of fireworks, because it's dark and fire works are fast and bright. He gave me some. However, in the dark and confusion of sounds and people I don't think I followed it. I did mess around a little bit, and I feel like I got a few shots that are presentable. :)